Saturday, 25 March 2023

Rejoice, be bold and listen

Today's gospel is THE gospel of COLW in so many ways. Today, Walsingham and the gospel converge, as the events of one Holy House in Palestine make us think of another Holy House a thousand years later built after Richeldis had her vision of the Mother of God in Norfolk. This scene and this moment are the scene and moment in which COLW lives its spiritual calling to say always yes and thank you to the Lord with Mary. 

We focus rightly on the invitation which Gabriel brings to Mary. We think of it as an invitation to underline the fact that Mary remained free in this moment, although neither she nor we could have avoided the consequences if she had said no! 

And yet the angel's words are full of noble commands also: "Rejoice," says the angel. "Do not be afraid," he says further on. "Listen!" 

While we recall Mary's beautiful response to Gabriel - "Let what you have said be done to me" - we should also remember her obedience to the angelic orders: rejoice, do not be afraid, listen. If we want to emulate Mary's yes, perhaps we can start be obeying these orders that come naturally from Gabriel and show how God's message was attuned to Mary's humanity. He knows we have need of so many things, not least to throw off discouragement, to be bold and to give our attention to Him. These tasks seem all the more gargantuan in a world where there are so many things to lament, so many events we cannot control, and so many distractions that drown out His insistent call to love, to enter the joy of Our Lord.

Please remember in your prayers Sister Catherine who today takes her first vows in religious life. May she rejoice this day and every day, be always courageous, and listen to the voice of her Divine Spouse. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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The carrying of the cross

A recording of today's gospel and blog can be accessed here . *** Today’s gospel (Mark 8: 23 – 9:1) contains some of Jesus’ most sever...