Tuesday, 24 January 2023

'Anyone who does the will of God...'

'Anyone who does the will of God, that person is my brother and sister and mother.’ Mark 31:35

Jesus talks about His Father's will so often in the Gospels. Indeed Jesus focuses on God's will more more than His own as a matter of course.  Though Jesus calls us 'friends', He would call us sister or brother if we would live according to God's will and truly live in His will. 

Of course we know we are heirs to the Kingdom, adopted sons of the Father (if clarification is needed here, I mean sons as in heirs when firstborn sons used to be the inheritors. Now we say sons and daughters. However, this reduces the dignity meant by the word son here, when 'firstborn' is specifically what's intended). This is already a wonderful thought, to be loved like this by our Heavenly Father.

How lovely then to consider that Jesus wants to welcome us as brother or sister once we fully accept and live the will of the Father for us. In trying to unite our will to His, in joy and sorrow, small things and crazy huge things, we not only please God, we enter deeper into union with Him.

Our pilgrimage is a journey of going deeper and learning more about uniting our will to His.  The road will lead us deeper into the mystery of who we are in God's eyes and who we are as persons - as sons of God (firstborn-type-heirs).  Moreover, we are invited deeper into the mystery of the Holy Trinity.

Our desire to please Him and to enter deeper into union, being open to learn and be teachable for all He wants to teach us, is the best first next step on the road to living in His will.  On the road to union, we can drop off bags along the way that contain all that prevent our progress on the road and stop or slow the union.

Every day life doesn't usually feel like another step towards heaven or union with God. The small things of the trenches seem so removed from holy thoughts and uplifting ideas.

This is where its important to remember the reality of God's presence with us. He is here with us in everything, yes even while you read this and not just in your quiet holy moment. He will still be right with you when you're weary, frustrated, tired, delighted, moved, forgetful or worried.  

Making a habit of realising He is always there is a good step in then developing the practice of consciously wanting to live according to God's will.  If all our phases and waves of the day could be consciously lived in His presence - how much more aware we might be of His will in every moment!

Jesus said 'anyone who does the will of God'... we don't need permission, special qualifications or a permit to start today!  Let's pray for one another that we each grow to desire truly what He wants for us - in the little as well as the big things.  

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The carrying of the cross

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