Monday, 4 October 2021

...a pilgrim's prayer journal...

'Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls'

Matt 11:22-30

It might be that we think of the yoke and burden that we shoulder here is the cross, taking it up each day and carrying it like Jesus.  Our cross can be the burdens and trials of life.  But what if the yoke we shoulder - that easy yoke and light burden - is also that of being teachable to learn the ways of freedom of heart that will lead us to the beatific vision? 

The inner work of our souls can be hard work, deep listening can be the work of a lifetime - it can be a burden but we could wear it lightly, knowing that this way lies our happiness, healing and joy.

Learn from me.. Jesus often refers to himself as teaching or as having something to say that people can hear or learn from in their lives.  The people referred to him as 'teacher' - do we consider him our teacher or more simply a friend to tell our troubles to or a fixer to mend our days or a kind listener?  Do we really ask him to teach us and show us his will?  Do we ask him to show us the yoke he wants us to shoulder or do we just try to hand it straight back to him to carry for us?  In being 'docibile', teachable we become open eared and open hearted learners, with ears to hear and eyes to see! 

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