Wednesday, 29 September 2021

...a pilgrim's prayer journal...

 'Before Philip called you I saw you under the fig tree...'

John 1: 47-52

Nathaniel was completely unawares that he was known to Jesus. Ironically, though we are unawares, he knows us better than we know ourselves.  A jouney to self-knowledge - the inner journey of the pilgrimage - is a road to met Jesus at the point where he has been waiting for us all along to reach him there.  He knows how deep we can go, how far we will let him in, how far we will reach.

This image of God knowing us fully, in all the perfection he knows we are capable of, keeps coming back to me and here again is Nathaniel.  Seen by Jesus while he is still unawares.  We are known and seen deeply, even if we don't even know ourselves.  The more we ask, the more willing we are to be teachable - to let go the reigns,  or hold them more lightly, we will see the fuller picture.

To see ourselves through God's eyes - no false humility, bashful fear or timidity but plainly accepting his compliment as he shows us his love and hands us our mission.  

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The carrying of the cross

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